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Knowledge, soloutions and alternatives. Take your time.

homeopathy homeostasis

Essential Items

Herbal alternative
Healthy Microgreen

Wide Spectrum Food Supplement 100% Made by Vegetables 

Super Health Food
Health and Wellness Alternatives
Ems Emf machine
This machine maybe the change you have been looking for! 
Free Shipping on orders over £50
Green Vegetables


Return for what you lost

The information below is essential to claiming back your health. Welcome back.


The world around you is depleted.

Soil depletion, a result of unsustainable agricultural practices and deforestation, threatens global food production. Loss of essential nutrients, erosion, and degradation compromise soil fertility, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable farming techniques and conservation measures to preserve this vital resource.



Individual choices group consequences

Infectious diseases, environmental pollution, inadequate healthcare access, antibiotic resistance, lifestyle-related issues (obesity, sedentary behavior), mental health challenges, and emerging global crises (pandemics, climate change) collectively pose significant threats to human health worldwide.



Forever and ever

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent synthetic chemicals known for their water and heat resistance. Widespread use has led to environmental contamination, posing health concerns due to their persistence. Also known as "Forever Chemicals".


Sankofa begins...

Our Collective understanding of our history has been highly manipulated. Politics and capitalism has priority over health. As we grow and learn together we will unveil hard truths together.

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